  • (British, America) enPR: fŭnʹjī, fŭngʹgī, IPA: /ˈfʌn.dʒaɪ/, /ˈfʌŋ.ɡaɪ/, /ˈfʌŋ.ɡiː/, /ˈfʌn.dʒiː/
  1. plural form of fungus
  2. (pathology) Spongy, abnormal growth, as granulation tissue formed in a wound

fungi (uncountable)

  1. (music) A style of folk and popular music from the Virgin Islands, traditionally performed by bands consisting of ukulele, banjo, guitar and washboard with various percussion instruments on rhythm.
Synonyms Noun

fungi (uncountable)

  1. Alternative form of fungee (“Caribbean okra dish”)

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