Pronunciation Noun
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Pronunciation Noun
furnace (plural furnaces)
- (UK) An industrial heating device, e.g. for smelting metal or baking ceramics.
- (US, Canada) A device that provides heat for a building; a space heater.
- (colloquial) Any area that is excessively hot.
- (figurative) A place or time of punishment, affliction, or great trial; severe experience or discipline.
- circa 1530 William Tyndale, Tyndale Bible, Deuteronomy 4:20:
- For the Lorde toke you and broughte you out of the yernen fornace of Egipte, to be vnto him a people of enheritaunce, as it is come to passe this daye.
- circa 1530 William Tyndale, Tyndale Bible, Deuteronomy 4:20:
- French: four, haut fourneau
- German: Ofen, Hochofen, Schmelzofen
- Italian: fornace, bruciatore, caldaia
- Portuguese: forno, fornalha
- Russian: печь
- Spanish: horno, caldera
- French: chaudière
- German: Ofen, Heizung
- Italian: caldaia, bruciatore
- Portuguese: fornalha
- Russian: печь
- Spanish: calefacción
- Russian: то́пка
furnace (furnaces, present participle furnacing; past and past participle furnaced)
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