Pronunciation Noun


  1. A semi-solid to almost solid colloid of a solid and a liquid, such as jelly, cheese or opal.
  2. Any gel intended for a particular cosmetic use, such as for styling the hair.
  • French: gel
  • German: Gel
  • Italian: gel
  • Portuguese: gel
  • Russian: гель
  • Spanish: gel
  • French: gel
  • German: Gel
  • Portuguese: gel
  • Russian: гель

gel (gels, present participle gelling; past and past participle gelled)

  1. (transitive) To apply (cosmetic) gel to (the hair, etc).
  2. (intransitive) To become a gel.
  3. (intransitive) To develop a rapport.
    He was a nice guy, and I got on OK with his friends, but the two of us never really gelled.
  • Spanish: gelificarse
Translations Pronunciation Noun

gel (plural gels)

  1. (British) A girl.

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