  • IPA: /d͡ʒiəˈɡɹæfɪkl̩/


  1. Of or relating to geography; geographic.

geographical (plural geographicals)

  1. (informal) A move to another place in the hope of curing an addiction etc.
    • , Benson at Sixty
      At QA they called these 'Geographicals'. It was a common tactic of the alcoholic type to think that a move would make all the difference.
    • 2014, Sonny Carbo, Instant Idiot Just Add Alcohol
      There were always too many geographicals. That is a change of address.
    • 2014, Veronica Valli, Why you drink and How to stop: Journey to freedom
      'Doing Geographicals'
      The word 'geographical' comes from the recovery community. It refers to one of the actions that an alcoholic mistakenly takes in order to 'fix' their problems.

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