go down
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go down
- Used other than with a figurative or idiomatic meaning: see go, down
- He went down the road to the store.
- To descend; to move from a higher place to a lower one.
- You'll need to go down two floors to get to that office.
- 1916, L. Frank Baum, Mary Louise in the Country Chapter 19
- I'm going straight down to the store to redeem that bill.
- (intransitive, of a heavenly body) To disappear below the horizon; to set.
- It'll be cooler once the sun goes down.
- 2010, Stefan Molyneux, Heroism ↗:
- You can be heroic and start the process of truly saving the world before the Sun goes down tonight.
- (intransitive) To decrease; to change from a greater value to a lesser one.
- The unemployment rate has gone down significantly in recent months.
- (intransitive) To fall (down), fall to the floor.
- The boxer went down in the second round, after a blow to the chin.
- (intransitive) To be received or accepted.
- The news didn't go down well with her parents.
- (intransitive) To be blamed for something; to be the scapegoat; to go to prison.
- Rodney's not here; after the shootout, he went down and won't be back for at least a year.
- (intransitive) To be recorded or remembered (as).
- Today will go down as a monumental failure.
- (intransitive, slang) To take place, happen.
- A big heist went down yesterday by the docks.
- (intransitive, with on) To perform oral sex.
- He felt nervous about going down on his girlfriend for the first time.
- (intransitive, computing, engineering) To stop functioning, to go offline.
- Did the server just go down again? We'll have to reboot it.
- To fail
- French: descendre
- German: absteigen, hinabsteigen
- Portuguese: descer
- Russian: спуска́ться
- French: être consideré (comme)
- Russian: запо́мниться
- Russian: происходи́ть
- French: tomber en panne
- Portuguese: cair
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.002