go to hell

go to hell

  1. Used other than with a figurative or idiomatic meaning: see go, to, hell
  2. To go out the window; be ruined; be now useless.
    Well, that plan has gone to hell.
  3. Expression of anger and contempt directed at someone, especially after that individual has done something very wrong.
    Why did Nancy do that to Jake? She can go to hell.
    You want me to voluntarily work the weekend without pay? Go to hell!
Synonyms Translations
  • Portuguese: ir por água abaixo, ir ralo abaixo
  • French: aller se faire voir, va au diable, allez au diable
  • German: fahr zu Hölle, fahrt zu Hölle
  • Italian: andare al diavolo, andare a remengo, andare a cagare
  • Portuguese: vá/vai para o inferno!
  • Russian: пошёл к чёрту
  • Spanish: ¡vete al infierno!, ¡vete a la mierda!, ¡vete a tomar por culo!

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