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- IPA: /ˈɡɹeɪsfəli/
- In a graceful manner.
- 1975, Bob Dylan, Shelter from the Storm
- Suddenly I turned around and she was standin' there
- With silver bracelets on her wrists and flowers in her hair
- She walked up to me so gracefully and took my crown of thorns
- "Come in," she said, "I'll give you shelter from the storm"
- 1975, Bob Dylan, Shelter from the Storm
- French: gracieusement
- German: anmutig, anstandslos, elegant, graziös, würdevoll
- Italian: graziosamente
- Portuguese: graciosamente
- Russian: грацио́зно
- Spanish: agraciadamente
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.002