  • IPA: /hɑː(ɹ)ˈmɒnɪk/


  1. pertaining to harmony
  2. pleasant to hear; harmonious; melodious
    • 1728, [Alexander Pope], “(please specify )”, in The Dunciad. An Heroic Poem. In Three Books, Dublin; London: Reprinted for A. Dodd, OCLC 1033416756 ↗:
  3. (mathematics) used to characterize various mathematical entities or relationships supposed to bear some resemblance to musical consonance
    The harmonic polar line of an inflection point of a cubic curve is the component of the polar conic other than the tangent line.
  4. recurring periodically
  5. (phonology) Exhibiting or applying constraints on what vowels (e.g. front/back vowels only) may be found near each other and sometimes in the entire word.
  6. (Australianist linguistics) Of or relating to a generation an even number of generations distant from a particular person.
    • 1966, Kenneth Hale, Kinship Reflections in Syntax: Some Australian languages
      A person is harmonic with respect to members of his own generation and with respect to members of all even-numbered generations counting away from his own (e.g., his grandparents' generation, his grandchildren's generation, etc.).
Translations Translations Translations Noun

harmonic (plural harmonics)

  1. (physics) A component frequency of the signal of a wave that is an integer multiple of the fundamental frequency.
  2. (music) The place where, on a bowed string instrument, a note in the harmonic series of a particular string can be played without the fundamental present.
  3. (math) One of a class of functions that enter into the development of the potential of a nearly spherical mass due to its attraction.
  4. (CB radio slang) One's child.
    • 1967, CQ: the Radio Amateur's Journal (volume 23, issues 7-12, page 140)
      Games for the harmonics, (children), YL's and XYL's and the OM's, plus free soda for all.
    • 1988, Amateur Radio (volume 44, issues 1-6, page 38)
      The harmonics (kids, I mean) sometimes failed to recognize me on the rare occasions when I emerged from the shack […]
  • Russian: гармо́ника

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