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- Daily; circadian; cyclical, with a period of 24 hours
- 2003, Robinson, Frank Edwin; Fasenko, Gaylene Marie; Robert Allen Renema New Developments in Reproduction and Incubation of Broiler Chickens, page 116
- Photostimulation at 22 weeks of age was done with either a normal, hemeral day (14 hours of light; 10 hours of darkness) or a long ahemeral day (14 hours of light; 14 hours of darkness).
- 2003, Robinson, Frank Edwin; Fasenko, Gaylene Marie; Robert Allen Renema New Developments in Reproduction and Incubation of Broiler Chickens, page 116
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.002