  • (RP) IPA: /həˈɹɛdɪt(ə)ɹi/
  • (GA) IPA: /həˈɹɛdɪˌtɛɹi/


  1. Passed on as an inheritance, by last will or intestate.
  2. Of a title, honor or right: legally granted to somebody's descendant after that person's death.
    Duke is a hereditary title which was created in Norman times.
  3. Of a person: holding a legally hereditary title or rank.
    hereditary rulers
  4. Of a disease or trait: passed from a parent to offspring in the genes
    Haemophilia is hereditary in his family.
  5. (math) Of a ring: such that all submodules of projective modules over the ring are also projective.
Synonyms Antonyms Related terms Translations Translations Translations Translations Noun

hereditary (plural hereditaries)

  1. A hereditary ruler; a hereditary peer in the House of Lords.

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