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- Person
- (British, America) IPA: /ˈhaʊs.waɪf/
- Bag
- IPA: /ˈhʌzɪf/
housewife (plural housewives) (housewifes for the sense 3)
- A woman whose main employment is homemaking, maintaining the upkeep of her home and tending to household affairs; often, such a woman whose sole [unpaid] employment is homemaking.
- 2000, Uli Kusch, "Mr. Torture", Helloween, The Dark Ride.
- quote en
- 2000, Uli Kusch, "Mr. Torture", Helloween, The Dark Ride.
- The wife of a householder; the mistress of a family; the female head of a household.
- A little case or bag for materials used in sewing, and for other articles of female work; – called also hussy.
- 1852: Tom Taylor and Charles Reade, Masks and Faces Act II
- Woffington's housewife, made by herself, homely to the eye, but holds everything in the world
- 1997, David L. Phillips, A Soldier's Story, MetroBooks, ISBN 1567994253, page 61.
- quote en
- 1852: Tom Taylor and Charles Reade, Masks and Faces Act II
- henhussy (archaic)
- French: maîtresse de maison, femme au foyer, mère au foyer, garce (familiar)
- German: Hausfrau
- Italian: massaia, donna di casa, padrona di casa, casalinga
- Portuguese: dona-de-casa, dona de casa
- Russian: домохозя́йка
- Spanish: ama de casa
- French: trousse de couture, boîte à ouvrage
- Portuguese: caixa de costura
housewife (housewifes, present participle housewifing; past and past participle housewifed)
- Alternative form of housewive
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003