imaginary number

imaginary number (plural imaginary numbers)

  1. (complex analysis, strict sense) A number of the form bi, where b is any real number and i denotes the imaginary unit.
    • 2008, Donald A. McQuarrie, Mathematics for Physical Chemistry: Opening Doors, University Science Books, page 54 ↗,
      If a = 0, then x = ib is called an imaginary number. The message here is that we must introduce imaginary numbers in order to be able to solve quadratic equations in general.
  2. (complex analysis, broad sense) A number of the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers and b is nonzero.
Synonyms Translations
  • French: nombre imaginaire pur
  • German: rein imaginäre Zahl, imaginäre Zahl (senso stricto)
  • Portuguese: número imaginário, número puramente imaginário
  • Russian: мни́мое чи́сло
  • Spanish: número imaginario

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