  • IPA: /ɪmˈpɹɛʃən/

impression (plural impressions)

  1. The indentation or depression made by the pressure of one object on or into another.
    His head made an impression on the pillow.
  2. The overall effect of something, e.g., on a person.
    What is your impression of Beatles' music?
    He tried to make a good impression on his parents.
  3. A vague recalling of an event, a belief.
    I have the impression that he's already left for Paris.
  4. An impersonation, an imitation of the mannerisms of another individual.
  5. An outward appearance.
  6. (advertising) An online advertising performance metric representing an instance where an ad is shown once.
    • 2010, Dusty Reagan, Twitter Application Development For Dummies, John Wiley & Sons (ISBN 9780470632659), page 329:
      Publishers are paid for each ad impression their site generates.
  7. (painting) The first coat of colour, such as the priming in house-painting etc.
  8. (engraving) A print on paper from a wood block, metal plate, etc.
  9. (philosophy) The vivid perception of something as it is experienced, in contrast to ideas or thoughts drawn from memory or the imagination.
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impression (impressions, present participle impressioning; past and past participle impressioned)

  1. To manipulate a blank key within a lock so as to mark it with impressions of the shape of the lock, which facilitates creation of a duplicate key.
    • 2007, Graham Pulford, High-Security Mechanical Locks: An Encyclopedic Reference (page 55)
      The trick in impressioning a key is to remove only a small amount of the blank, by filing or cutting, from the pin positions where impressions have been left.

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