in play
Prepositional phrase
  1. As a joke. [from 14th c.]
    You mustn't take what I said so seriously, it was only said in play.
  2. In operation, active. [from 17th c.]
    It's hard to tell which physical forces are in play at this altitude.
  3. (sport) Available to be played according to the rules of the game in question; within the boundaries of the pitch etc. [from 18th c.]
    The ball is in play for an average of just seven minutes out of a sixty-minute game.
  4. (business) Open to a takeover bid. [from 20th c.]
    Despite the best efforts of the executive committee, it seems the company is now in play.
  5. (by extension) Presently active or valid
    This deadly scenario with this hurricane is still in play, so please take precaution.

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