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From Middle English insight, insiht, equivalent to in- + sight.
Pronunciation Nouninsight
- A sight or view of the interior of anything; a deep inspection or view; introspection; frequently used with into.
- Power of acute observation and deduction
- Synonyms: penetration, discernment, perception
- (marketing) Knowledge (usually derived from consumer understanding) that a company applies in order to make a product or brand perform better and be more appealing to customers
- Intuitive apprehension of the inner nature of a thing or things; intuition.
- (artificial intelligence) An extended understanding of a subject resulting from identification of relationships and behaviors within a model, context, or scenario.
- (psychiatry) An individual's awareness of the nature and severity of one's mental illness.
- Synonyms: nosognosia
- French: introspection
- German: Einblick
- Italian: introspezione, approfondimento
- Portuguese: introspecção
- Russian: интроспе́кция
- Spanish: introspección
- French: perspicacité, aperçu, pénétration, discernement
- German: Einsicht, scharfsinniges Erfassen
- Italian: introspezione, acume, intuito, discernimento, perspicacia, intuizione, lungimiranza
- Portuguese: dedução
- Russian: проница́тельность
- Spanish: perspicacia, agudeza, deducción, penetración
- German: Gespür, Kundenverständnis
- Italian: conoscenza, idea
- Russian: инса́йт
- French: intuition
- German: Ahnung, Eingebung, Gespür, Einfühlungsvermögen, Intuition
- Italian: intuizione
- Portuguese: intuição
- Russian: интуи́ция
- Spanish: introspección
- German: Verstehen
- German: Einsicht, Krankheitseinsicht, Krankheitsverständnis
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.002