Pronunciation Noun
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Pronunciation Noun
interpreter (plural interpreters)
- (translation studies) One who listens to a speaker in one language and relates that utterance to the audience in a different language. Contrasted with translator.
- A Japanese man who is tried before a German court is assisted by an interpreter in making oral statements.
- (figuratively) One who explains something, such as an art exhibit. One who does heritage interpretation.
- (computing) A program which executes another program written in a programming language other than machine code.
- Programs written in the BASIC language are usually run through an interpreter, though some can be compiled.
- (computing) terp (slang)
- (heritage) docent, tour guide
- French: interprète
- German: Dolmetscher, Dolmetscherin, Dolmetsch (Austrian German), Dolmetschin (Austrian German)
- Italian: interprete
- Portuguese: intérprete
- Russian: перево́дчик
- Spanish: intérprete, trujamán, truchimán
- French: interpréteur
- Portuguese: interpretador
- Russian: интерпрета́тор
- Spanish: intérprete
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