see also: Jester
Pronunciation Noun
Proper noun
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see also: Jester
Pronunciation Noun
- One who jests, jokes or teases.
- A person in colourful garb and fool's cap who amused a medieval and early modern royal or noble court.
- Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the Southeast Asian genus Symbrenthia.
- (one who jokes) buffoon, clown, joker, see also Thesaurus:joker
- (court entertainer) buffoon, clown, fool, jestress, see also Thesaurus:jester
- French: plaisantin
- German: Spaßmacher, Spaßmacherin, Clown, Clownin, Hampelmann, Hampelfrau
- Portuguese: brincalhão
- Russian: шутни́к
Proper noun
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