Pronunciation Noun
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Pronunciation Noun
landlord (plural landlords)
- A person who owns and rents land such as a house, apartment, or condo.
- (chiefly, British) The owner or manager of a public house.
- (surfing, slang, with "the") A shark, imagined as the owner of the surf to be avoided.
- publisher's blurb for Stories from the Surf – The Lost Coast by Drew Kampion []
- 2004: the lurking presence of “The Landlord”
- publisher's blurb for Stories from the Surf – The Lost Coast by Drew Kampion []
- French: propriétaire
- German: Vermieter, Hauswirt
- Italian: proprietario
- Portuguese: senhorio
- Russian: (квартиры, дома) хозя́ин
- Spanish: arrendador, casero
- French: patron
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003