

  1. (uncountable) the condition of being illuminated
  2. (uncountable) the relative whiteness or transparency of a colour
  3. (countable) The product of being illuminated.
Translations Translations Noun

lightness (uncountable)

  1. The state of having little weight, or little force.
  2. Agility of movement.
  3. Freedom from worry.
  4. Levity, frivolity; inconsistency.
    • 1624, Democritus Junior [pseudonym; Robert Burton], The Anatomy of Melancholy: […], 2nd edition, Oxford, Oxfordshire: Printed by John Lichfield and James Short, for Henry Cripps, OCLC 54573970 ↗:
      , New York 2001, p.75:
      Seneca […] accounts it a filthy lightness in men, every day to lay new foundations of their life, but who doth otherwise?
  • French: légèreté
  • Russian: лёгкость
  • Spanish: liviandad

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