  • (British, Aus) IPA: /ˈlɪtəɹəɹi/, /ˈlɪt(ə)ɹi/
  • (America, Canada) IPA: /ˈlɪtəɹɛ(ə)ɹi/, [ˈɫɪɾəɹɛ(ə)ɹi]


  1. Relating to literature.
    literary fame
    a literary history
    literary conversation
    • He has long outlived his century, the term commonly fixed as the test of literary merit.
  2. Relating to writers, or the profession of literature.
    a literary man
    • in the literary as well as fashionable world
  3. Knowledgeable of literature or writing.
  4. Appropriate to literature rather than everyday writing.
  5. Bookish.
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