Pronunciation Verb
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Pronunciation Verb
loiter (loiters, present participle loitering; past and past participle loitered)
- To stand about without any aim or purpose; to stand about idly
- Synonyms: lepak (Malaysia, Singapore), linger, hang around
- For some reason, they discourage loitering outside the store, but encourage it inside.
- French: flâner, traîner
- German: rumlungern, rumhängen, herumhängen, abhängen, herumlungern, herumlümmeln, trödeln, herumtrödeln, gammeln, herumgammeln, sich herumdrücken
- Italian: attardarsi, aggirarsi, gironzolare, vagabondare, oziare, sostare, indugiare, bighellonare
- Portuguese: vadiar
- Russian: торча́ть
- Spanish: holgazanear, perder el tiempo, merodear, vagar, vaguear
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003