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- IPA: /laʊ.zi/
lousy (comparative lousier, superlative lousiest)
- Remarkably bad; of poor quality, dirty, or underhanded; mean, contemptible.
- No offense, but his cooking is lousy.
- Synonyms: miserable
- Infested with lice.
- (colloquial, usually with with) Filled or packed (with something, usually bad).
- The place was lousy with students.
- Synonyms: inundated, jam-packed, teeming
- French: pouilleux, minable, pourri, à chier, de merde
- German: lausig
- Italian: schifoso
- Portuguese: péssimo, horrível
- Russian: ни́зкий
- Spanish: pésimo, penoso, lamentable, malísimo, fatal
- French: pouilleux
- German: verlaust
- Italian: pidocchioso
- Portuguese: piolhoso, piolhento
- Russian: вши́вый
- Spanish: piojoso
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.002