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- IPA: /ˈmæɡnɪtjuːd/
- (uncountable, countable) The absolute or relative size, extent or importance of something.
- (countable) An order of magnitude.
- (mathematics) A number, assigned to something, such that it may be compared to others numerically
- (mathematics) Of a vector, the norm, most commonly, the two-norm.
- (astronomy) A logarithmic scale of brightness defined so that a difference of 5 magnitudes is a factor of 100.
- (uncountable) The apparent brightness of a star, with lower magnitudes being brighter; apparent magnitude
- (countable) A ratio of intensity expressed as a logarithm.
- (seismology) A measure of the energy released by an earthquake (e.g. on the Richter scale).
- French: ampleur
- Italian: vastità, magnitudine
- Portuguese: grandeza, magnitude
- Russian: величина́
- Spanish: magnitud
- French: magnitude
- Italian: magnitudine
- Portuguese: magnitude
- Russian: величина́
- Spanish: magnitud
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.004