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- IPA: /ˈmɛtəlɔɪd/
metalloid (plural metalloids)
- (chemistry) An element, such as silicon or germanium, intermediate in properties between that of a metal and a nonmetal; especially one that exhibits the external characteristics of a metal, but behaves chemically more as a nonmetal.
- (chemistry, obsolete) The metallic base of a fixed alkali, or alkaline earth; applied to sodium, potassium, and some other metallic substances whose metallic character was supposed to be not well defined.
- French: métalloïde
- German: Halbmetall, Metalloid
- Italian: metalloide, semimetallo
- Portuguese: metaloide
- Russian: металло́ид
- Spanish: semimetal, metaloide
- (not comparable) Of or relating to the metalloids.
- (informal) Characteristic of the metal music genre.
- 1997, CMJ New Music Monthly (number 43, page 12)
- Graham Massey of 808 State turns a Björkian moan into a vibrating siren and powers his strangely metalloid version of "Army Of Me" with it; the Brodsky String Quartet turns "Hyperballad" into a stately 3-D chess game.
- 2004, Gene Santoro, Highway 61 Revisited
- It expanded from bleary delay rippling with looped phrases to embrace molten metalloid raunch and blues grit, acoustic guitars and pedal steels.
- 1997, CMJ New Music Monthly (number 43, page 12)
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