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midget (plural midgets)
- (originally) A little sandfly.
- Although tiny and just two-winged, midgets can bite you till you itch all over your unprotected skin.
- (loosely) Any small swarming insect similar to the mosquito; a midge
- (sometimes offensive) A normally proportioned person with small stature, usually defined as reaching an adult height less than 4'10". [from later 19th c.]
- (sometimes offensive) Any short person.
- (attributively) A small version of something; miniature.
- the midget pony
- (person below 4'10") dwarf (loosely)
- (derogatory: any small person) dwarf, short-arse, shortie/shorty, tich/titch, vertically challenged person (humorous)
- (swarming insect) midge
- (miniature) dwarf
- French: nain, naine
- German: Zwerg, Zwergin, Liliputaner, Liliputanerin
- Italian: nano, nana
- Portuguese: anão, anã
- Russian: лилипу́т
- Spanish: enano
- French: nain, naine, nabot
- German: Zwerg, Zwergin, Winzling, Gnom
- Italian: nano, nana
- Portuguese: anão
- Russian: ка́рлик
- Spanish: chichón de piso, retaco
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003