see also: Mooring
  1. present participle of moor#English|moor

mooring (plural moorings)

  1. A place to moor a vessel.
  2. The act of securing a vessel with a cable or anchor etc.
  3. (figuratively) Something to which one adheres, or the means that helps one to maintain a stable position and keep one's identity - moral, intellectual, political, etc.
    • 1890, John George Nicolay and John Hay, Abraham Lincoln: A History
      The party of pro-slavery reaction was for the moment in the ascendant; and as by an irresistible impulse, the Supreme Court of the United States was swept from its hitherto impartial judicial moorings into the dangerous seas of polities.
    • 1898, Coates, Florence Earle, song: "Friendship from its Moorings Strays"
      Friendship from its moorings strays,
      Love binds fast together;
      Friendship is for balmy days,
      Love for stormy weather.
Related terms Translations Translations
Proper noun
  1. Surname

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