see also: Mush, MUSH
  • (British, America) enPR: mŭsh, IPA: /mʌʃ/
  • (America) IPA: /mʊʃ/


  1. A somewhat liquid mess, often of food; a soft or semisolid substance.
    • 1855, Frederick Douglass, My Bondage and My Freedom Chapter 1
      His food is of the coarsest kind, consisting for the most part of cornmeal mush, which often finds its way from the wooden tray to his mouth in an oyster shell.
  2. (radio) A mixture of noise produced by the harmonics of continuous-wave stations.
  3. (surfing) The foam of a breaker.
    • 2008, Bucky McMahon, Night Diver (page 80)
      And Rincon was all about surfing. Flash back thirty-odd years, to a skinny kid on a Styrofoam belly-board, pin-wheeling out into the mush of Jacksonville Beach, Florida.
  4. A magmatic body containing a significant proportion of crystals suspended in the liquid phase or melt.
Translations Verb

mush (mushes, present participle mushing; past and past participle mushed)

  1. To squish so as to break into smaller pieces or to combine with something else.
    He mushed the ingredients together.
Translations Pronunciation
  • (British, America) enPR: mŭsh, IPA: /mʌʃ/

mush (uncountable)

  1. A food comprising cracked or rolled grains cooked in water or milk; porridge.
  2. (rural US) Cornmeal cooked in water and served as a porridge or as a thick sidedish like grits or mashed potatoes.
  • Spanish: gachas de harina de maíz
  • (British, America) enPR: mŭsh, IPA: /mʌʃ/, /mʊʃ/
  1. A directive given (usually to dogs or a horse) to start moving, or to move faster.
Translations Noun

mush (plural mushes)

  1. A walk, especially across the snow with dogs.

mush (mushes, present participle mushing; past mushed, past participle mushed)

  1. (intransitive) To walk, especially across the snow with dogs.
  2. (transitive) To drive dogs, usually pulling a sled, across the snow.
    • 1910, Jack London, Burning Daylight, part 1 chapter 4:
      Together the two men loaded and lashed the sled. They warmed their hands for the last time, pulled on their mittens, and mushed the dogs over the bank and down to the river-trail.
  • (British, America) enPR: mŭsh, IPA: /mʌʃ/

mush (plural mushes)

  1. (Quebec, slang) A magic mushroom.
Synonyms Translations
  • Spanish: champi (slang)
  • (British) enPR: mo͝osh, IPA: /mʊʃ/

mush (plural mushes)

  1. (British, slang, primarily, Southern England) ngd A form of address to a man.
    Synonyms: mate, pal
  2. (British, slang, primarily, Northern England, Australian) The face.
    Synonyms: mug
Translations Translations Verb

mush (mushes, present participle mushing; past and past participle mushed)

  1. (transitive) To notch, cut, or indent (cloth, etc.) with a stamp.

Proper noun
  1. A historically Armenian city in the Turuberan province of Greater Armenia, now in eastern Turkey.
  2. A province in Turkey.
  • Russian: Муш


mush (plural mushes)

  1. A form of multi-user dungeon, often used for online social intercourse and role-playing games.

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