  • IPA: /ˈmjuːtəbl̩/


  1. Changeable, dynamic, evolutive; inclined to change, evolve, mutate.
    • 1608, William Shakespeare, The Tragedy of Coriolanus, [Act III, scene i]:
      For the mutable ranke-ſented Meynie, / Let them regard me, as I doe not flatter, / And therein behold themſelues.
    • 1671, John Milton, “Samson Agonistes, […]”, in Paradise Regain’d. A Poem. In IV Books. To which is Added, Samson Agonistes, London: Printed by J. M[acock] for John Starkey […], OCLC 228732398 ↗, lines 415–420, page 83 ↗:
      Maſters commands come with a power reſiſtleſs / To ſuch as owe them abſolute ſubjection; / And for a life who will not change his purpoſe? / (So mutable are all the ways of men) / Yet this be ſure, in nothing to comply / Scandalous or forbidden in our Law.
  2. (programming, of a variable) Having a value that is changeable during program execution.
    • 2011, David Flanagan, JavaScript: The Definitive Guide:
      A value of a mutable type can change. Objects and arrays are mutable: a JavaScript program can change the values of object properties and array elements. Numbers, booleans, null, and undefined are immutable.
Antonyms Translations Noun

mutable (plural mutables)

  1. Something mutable; a variable or value that can change.

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