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Borrowed from Middle French négociation, or from Latin negotiatio, from negotiari ("to carry on business"); see negotiate.
Pronunciation- (RP) IPA: /nɪˌɡəʊ.ʃiˈeɪ.ʃən/, /nɪˌɡəʊ.siˈeɪ.ʃən/
- (America) IPA: /nɪˌɡoʊ.ʃiˈeɪ.ʃən/, /nəˌɡoʊ.ʃiˈeɪ.ʃən/
- The process of achieving agreement through discussion.
- The specifics of the contract are still under negotiation.
- The two parties entered into negotiations about the merger.
- French: négociation
- German: Verhandlung
- Italian: negoziato, negoziazione
- Portuguese: negociação
- Russian: перегово́ры
- Spanish: negociación
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