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nevermind (plural neverminds)
- (US regional) Attention, heed.
- (US regional) Concern, affair.
- (US regional) Consequence; significant change in or effect on a situation or state; difference.
- Russian: де́ло
nevermind (neverminds, present participle neverminding; past and past participle neverminded)
- (US regional) To ignore.
- 1989, William Mills, The Arkansas: An American River, page 159
- Nevermind a sustainable river, a sustainable earth, like an improvident farmer who kills his only milk cow because he wants steak tonight.
- 2002, Chris Lynch, Freewill, page 28
- "Ya, that's a good idea, neverminding. Let's nevermind, huh?"
- 1989, William Mills, The Arkansas: An American River, page 159
- Misspelling of never mind
- 2003, Nina Revoyr, Southland - Page 280
- Nevermind that she didn't know him, or that he was Japanese. Nevermind that she saw herself as always alone, despite the many people in her life.
- 2005, Alexander T. Newport, The Vomit Factory (Life Is Fake: Death Is Good), page 399
- Nevermind where the eggs & sperm came from. Nevermind how it is that all these planets & stars came from nothing.
- 2003, Nina Revoyr, Southland - Page 280
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003