see also: Night
  • (RP, GA) enPR: nīt, IPA: /naɪt/
  • (Appalachian English) IPA: [nʌɪt]


  1. (countable) The period of darkness beginning at the end of evening astronomical twilight when the sun is 18 degrees below the horizon, and ending at the beginning of morning astronomical twilight.
    How do you sleep at night when you attack your kids like that!?
    • 1920, Mary Roberts Rinehart; Avery Hopwood, chapter I, in The Bat: A Novel from the Play (Dell Book; 241), New York, N.Y.: Dell Publishing Company, OCLC 20230794 ↗, [;view=1up;seq=5 page 01]:
      The Bat—they called him the Bat. Like a bat he chose the night hours for his work of rapine; like a bat he struck and vanished, pouncingly, noiselessly; like a bat he never showed himself to the face of the day.
  2. (countable) An evening or night spent at a particular activity.
    a night on the town
  3. (countable) A night (and part of the days before and after it) spent in a place away from home, e.g. a hotel.
    I stayed my friend's house for three nights.
  4. (uncountable) Nightfall.
    from noon till night
  5. (uncountable) Darkness (due to it being nighttime).
    The cat disappeared into the night.
  6. (uncountable) A dark blue colour, midnight blue.
  7. (sports, colloquial) A night's worth of competitions, generally one game.
Synonyms Antonyms Translations Translations Translations Translations Translations Translations Interjection
  1. Short for good night.
    Night, y'all! Thanks for a great evening!
  • German: Nacht!

night (nights, present participle nighting; past and past participle nighted)

  1. To spend a night (in a place), to overnight.
    • 2008, Richard F. Burton, Arabian Nights, in 16 volumes, p.284:
      "So I took seat and ate somewhat of my vivers, my horse also feeding upon his fodder, and we nighted in that spot and next morning I set out […]."

Proper noun
  1. The 92nd sura (chapter) of the Qur'an.
  2. (paganism) The goddess of the night in Heathenry.
    • (pagan goddess) "In this prayer, Sigdrifa calls upon powers of Nature - Day, Night, Earth - and the gods and goddesses as a group." Our Troth, Ring of Troth and other True Folk, Ring of Troth, ISBN 0-9623957-8-1, 1993, page 383.
    • (pagan goddess) "Hail to Night and her daughters. Teutonic Religion, Kveldulf Gundarsson, Llewellyn Publications, 1993, ISBN 0875422608, page 316.
    • (pagan goddess) "In another story, the Allfather, the original sky god from early Wyrd culture, took Night and her son Day, and gave to each of them a horse and chariot and put them in the sky, so that they should ride around the world every twenty-four hours. The Wisdom of the Wyrd, Brian Bates, Rider, 1996, ISBN 0-7126-7277-X, page 48.

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