see also: Noble, NOBLE
Pronunciation Noun
Proper noun
Proper noun
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see also: Noble, NOBLE
Pronunciation Noun
noble (plural nobles)
- An aristocrat; one of aristocratic blood. [from 14th c.]
- This country house was occupied by nobles in the 16th century.
- Antonyms: commoner, plebeian
- (historical) A medieval gold coin of England in the 14th and 15th centuries, usually valued at 6s 8d. [from 14th c.]
- 1499, John Skelton, The Bowge of Courte:
- I lyked no thynge his playe, / For yf I had not quyckely fledde the touche, / He had plucte oute the nobles of my pouche.
- 1644, John Milton, Aeropagitica:
- And who shall then stick closest to ye, and excite others? not he who takes up armes for cote and conduct, and his four nobles of Danegelt.
- 2011, Thomas Penn, Winter King, Penguin 2012, page 93:
- There, before the high altar, as the choir's voices soared upwards to the blue, star-flecked ceiling, Henry knelt and made his offering of a ‘noble in gold’, 6s 8d.
- 1499, John Skelton, The Bowge of Courte:
- French: noble, aristocrate
- German: Adliger, Adlige, Aristokrat, Adeliger, Edelmann
- Portuguese: nobre
- Russian: аристокра́т
- Spanish: noble
noble (comparative nobler, superlative noblest)
- Having honorable qualities; having moral eminence and freedom from anything petty, mean or dubious in conduct and character.
- He made a noble effort.
- He is a noble man who would never put his family in jeopardy.
- Synonyms: great, honorable
- Antonyms: despicable, ignoble, mean, vile
- Grand; stately; magnificent; splendid.
- a noble edifice
- Of exalted rank; of or relating to the nobility; distinguished from the masses by birth, station, or title; highborn.
- noble blood; a noble personage
- Synonyms: superior
- Antonyms: inferior, plebeian
- (geometry, of a polyhedron) Both isohedral and isogonal.
- French: noble, aristocratique
- German: nobel, edel, großzügig, großmütig, hehr
- Italian: nobile
- Portuguese: nobre
- Russian: благоро́дный
- Spanish: noble
- German: adlig, aristokratisch, vornehm, nobel, erhaben, erlaucht, prächtig, stattlich
- Russian: благоро́дный
Proper noun
- Surname
- A male given name
Proper noun
- (US) Initialism of National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives
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