Pronunciation Noun
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Pronunciation Noun
notch (plural notches)
- A V-shaped cut.
- An indentation.
- A mountain pass; a defile.
- (informal) A level or degree.
- This car is a notch better than the other.
- Can you speak a notch louder, please?
- 2014, Daniel Taylor, "World Cup 2014: Uruguay sink England as Suárez makes his mark ↗,", 20 June:
- a better team might also have done more to expose Uruguay’s occasionally brittle defence, but England’s speed of thought and movement in their attacking positions was a good notch or two down from the Italy game.
- (electronics) A portion of a mobile phone that overlaps the edge of the screen, used to house camera, sensors etc. while maximizing screen space.
- French: entaille
- German: Kerbe, Nut, Furche
- Italian: tacca
- Portuguese: chanfro, entalho
- Russian: зару́бка
- Spanish: escotadura, ranura, muesca, entalladura, tarja
- German: Einrückung, Einkerbung, Senke, Beule, Vertiefung, Eindruck
- Italian: incavo, dentellatura
- Portuguese: indentação
- Russian: о́тступ
- Spanish: talladura, entalladura
- German: Pass, Bergpass, Engpass
- Italian: gola, passo
- Portuguese: passo, desfiladeiro, garganta
- Russian: перева́л
- Spanish: paso
- French: cran
- German: Stückchen, Spur, Tick, My, Stück, Stufe
- Italian: livello
- Portuguese: nível
- Russian: у́ровень
- Spanish: nivel, categoría
notch (notches, present participle notching; past and past participle notched)
- (transitive) To cut a notch in (something).
- (transitive) To record (a score or similar) by making notches on something.
- The tribe's hunters notch their kills by notches on each's axe's handle.
- (transitive) To join by means of notches.
- (transitive) To achieve (something).
- The team notched a pair of shutout wins on Sunday.
- (transitive) To fit (an arrow) to a bow by means of the notch cut at the end of the arrow; to nock.
- 1885, John Niles Hubbard, An Account of Sa-go-ye-wat-ha, Or Red Jacket, and His People, 1750-1830, page 31:
- Notching an arrow on the string of his tried and unerring bow, he raised his sinewy arms […]
- 1913, Massachusetts Reformatory (Concord, Mass.), Our Paper, page 530:
- As Uncle Bunse threw his armful of stuff into the canoe, half a dozen other Indians crept forward, notching their arrows to shoot.
- 1885, John Niles Hubbard, An Account of Sa-go-ye-wat-ha, Or Red Jacket, and His People, 1750-1830, page 31:
- German: einkerben, nuten, einschneiden, ausklinken
- Italian: intaccare
- Portuguese: entalhar, chanfrar
- Spanish: entallar, mellar
- German: ankerben, anschreiben
- Italian: marcare
- Spanish: tarjar
- German: erreichen, gelingen
- Italian: marcare, segnare, realizzare, conquistare
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003