  • (British) IPA: /ˈɒbfʌskeɪt/, /ˈɒbfəskeɪt/
  • (America) IPA: /ˈɑːbfʌskeɪt/, /ˈɑːbfəskeɪt/

obfuscate (obfuscates, present participle obfuscating; past and past participle obfuscated)

  1. To make dark; overshadow
  2. To deliberately make more confusing in order to conceal the truth.
    • 2018, Anonymous White House Official, "White House reels as FBI director contradicts official claims about alleged abuser," Washington Post, [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/white-house-reels-as-fbi-director-contradicts-official-claims-about-alleged-abuser/2018/02/13/f010f256-10d9-11e8-9570-29c9830535e5_story.html?utm_term=.a8b554327809| February 13, 2018]:
      When asked if Kelly could have been more transparent or truthful, that official wrote: “In this White House, it’s simply not in our DNA. Truthful and transparent is great, but we don’t even have a coherent strategy to obfuscate.”
    Before leaving the scene, the murderer set a fire in order to obfuscate any evidence of their identity.
  3. (computing) To alter code while preserving its behavior but concealing its structure and intent.
    We need to obfuscate these classes before we ship the final release.
Synonyms Antonyms Related terms Translations Translations Translations Adjective


  1. (obsolete) Obfuscated; darkened; obscured.

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