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- (RP) IPA: /əˈkʌɹən(t)s/, /əˈkəːɹən(t)s/
- (America) IPA: /əˈkɝən(t)s/
- (New Zealand) IPA: /əˈkɐɹən(t)s/, /əˈkɵːɹən(t)s/
occurrence (plural occurrences)
- An actual instance when a situation occurs; an event or happening.
- (grammar, semantics) The lexical aspect (aktionsart) of verbs or predicates that change in or over time.
- Antonyms: state
- hypo en
- French: occurrence
- German: Vorfall
- Italian: occorrenza
- Portuguese: ocorrência, acontecimento
- Russian: происше́ствие
- Spanish: acontecimiento, ocurrencia, suceso
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003