Pronunciation Noun
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Pronunciation Noun
- (uncountable) The state or quality of being opaque, not allowing light to pass through
- We could not see the sandbar due to the opacity of the muddy water.
- (uncountable) The state or quality of being inaccessible to understanding.
- The opacity of these decisions is troubling.
- (optics, countable) A measure of relative impenetrability to electromagnetic radiation such as light.
- The opacity of a clean glass window is near zero.
- French: opacité
- German: Opazität, Undurchsichtigkeit, Lichtundurchlässigkeit
- Portuguese: opacidade
- Russian: непрозра́чность
- Spanish: opacidad
- French: opacité
- German: Undurchsichtigkeit, Nebulösität
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