Pronunciation Adjective
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Pronunciation Adjective
opaque (see usage notes)
- Neither reflecting nor emitting light.
- Allowing little light to pass through, not translucent or transparent.
- (figuratively) Unclear, unintelligible, hard to get or explain the meaning of
- (figuratively) Obtuse, stupid.
- (computing) Describes a type for which higher-level callers have no knowledge of data values or their representations; all operations are carried out by the type's defined abstract operators.
- (physically) see-through, translucent, transparent
- (figuratively) clear, obvious, bright, brilliant
- French: opaque
- German: undurchsichtig, undurchlässig, opak, blickdicht
- Italian: opaco, opaca
- Portuguese: opaco
- Russian: ма́товый
- Spanish: opaco
- German: unklar, schleierhaft, unverständlich, unverstanden
- German: stumpf, begriffsstutzig, schwerfällig
opaque (plural opaques)
- (obsolete, poetic) An area of darkness; a place or region with no light.
- 1745, Edward Young, Night-Thoughts, I:
- Through this opaque of Nature and of Soul, / This double night, transmit one pitying ray, / To lighten, and to cheer.
- 1745, Edward Young, Night-Thoughts, I:
- Something which is opaque rather than translucent.
- German: Undurchsichtigkeit, Trübnis, Dunkelheit, verschleiern
- German: Undurchsichtiges, Blickdichtes
opaque (opaques, present participle opaquing; past opaqued, past participle opaqued)
- (transitive) To make, render (more) opaque.
- German: trüben, mattieren, verdunkeln, verschleiern
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