Pronunciation Noun
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Pronunciation Noun
opposition (plural oppositions)
- The action of opposing or of being in conflict.
- An opposite or contrasting position.
- (astronomy) The apparent relative position of two celestial bodies when one is at an angle of 180 degrees from the other as seen from the Earth.
(politics) A political party or movement opposed to the party or government in power. - (legal) In United States intellectual property law, a proceeding in which an interested party seeks to prevent the registration of a trademark or patent.
- (chess) A position in which the player on the move must yield with his king allowing his opponent to advance with his own king.
- (logic) The difference of quantity or quality between two propositions having the same subject and predicate.
- Italian: opposizione
- Portuguese: oposição
- Russian: противоде́йствие
- Russian: противополо́жность
- French: opposition
- German: Opposition
- Italian: opposizione
- Russian: противостоя́ние
- French: opposition
- German: Opposition
- Italian: opposizione
- Portuguese: oposição
- Russian: оппози́ция
- Spanish: oposición
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.002