
From option + -al.

  • (RP) IPA: /ˈɒp.ʃə.nəl/
  • (America) IPA: /ˈɑp.ʃə.nəl/

optional (not comparable)

  1. Not compulsory; left to personal choice; elective.
    Synonyms: facultative, Thesaurus:optional
    Antonyms: compulsory, mandatory, obligatory, Thesaurus:compulsory
    On that beach clothing is entirely optional.
Antonyms Related terms Translations Noun

optional (plural optionals)

  1. Something that is not compulsory, especially part of an academic course.
  2. (programming, sometimes, capitalized) In various programming languages, a kind of variable that is assigned a specific data type but may or may not hold an actual value.

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