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From Middle English outliven, equivalent to out- + live.
Pronunciation- (British) IPA: /aʊtˈlɪv/
outlive (outlives, present participle outliving; simple past and past participle outlived)
- (transitive) To live longer than; continue to live after the death of; overlive; survive.
- 1592–1609, William Shakespeare, Sonnet XXXVIII.:
- And he that calls on thee, let him bring forth / Eternal numbers to outlive long date.
- 2003, Bernard O'Donoghue, Outliving,, page 1:
- If anything / it makes it worse, your early death, that / having now at last outlived you, I too / have broken ranks.
- 1592–1609, William Shakespeare, Sonnet XXXVIII.:
- (transitive) To live through or past (a given time).
- 1897, Henry James, What Maisie Knew:
- This must have been the way mamma had first looked at Sir Claude; it brought back the lustre of the time they had outlived.
- (transitive) To surpass in duration; outlast.
- (intransitive) To live longer; continue to live.
- (live longer than) survive
- (antonym(s) of “live longer than”): predecease
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