
From outside + -er.

  • IPA: /ˌaʊtˈsaɪdəɹ/

outsider (plural outsiders)

  1. One who is not part of a community or organization.
    Synonyms: stranger, Thesaurus:foreigner, Thesaurus:outcast
    While the initiated easily understand the symbols, they are wholly inaccessible to outsiders.
  2. A newcomer with little or no experience in an organization or community.
    Synonyms: Thesaurus:newcomer
    Seeing the mess professional politicians have made of things is it any wonder the electorate is beginning to prefer outsiders?
  3. A competitor or contestant who has little chance of winning; a long shot.
    Synonyms: dark horse, little guy, long shot, underdog
    Johnny was an outsider at this year's karate tournament, but he still managed to win second place out of sheer determination.
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Offline English dictionary