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- IPA: /ˈpɪki/
picky (comparative pickier, superlative pickiest)
- Fussy; particular; demanding to have things just right.
- I am very picky about the way my kitchen is laid out.
- French: pointilleux
- German: pingelig, wählerisch, anspruchsvoll
- Italian: esigente, puntiglioso, schizzinoso
- Portuguese: exigente
- Russian: привере́дливый
- Spanish: exigente, selectivo
picky (plural pickies)
- (informal) A picture.
- 1988 Alan Hollinghurst, The Swimming Pool Library, Penguin Books, paperback edition, page 44
- And who knows, I might do a few pickies of you - fully clothed, needless to say.
- 1988 Alan Hollinghurst, The Swimming Pool Library, Penguin Books, paperback edition, page 44
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003