see also: Platt

platt (plural platts)

  1. Obsolete spelling of plat#English|plat or plot scheme, plan, design, map.
    • 1794 July 30, minutes of the Executive council of Georgia, published in Minutes of the Executive council, from January 14, 1778, to January 6, 1785 (1908), page 684:
      3rdly That it also be recommended to all persons concerned to have their platts passed through the Surveyor Generals Office, and, in all respects, ready for the grant, in case they shall be entitled to the same, by the said 10th of September.

platt (plural platts)

  1. Obsolete spelling of plat#English|plat material made by interweaving, especially material made by interweaving straw, used to make hats.
    straw platt
    • circa 1750 a record, quoted in The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography (1931):
      The versatility of his craftsmanship is likewise evidenced by the inventory which included "8½ Doz. Walking Sticks & Rodds" and "3½ Doz. Straw Hatts, some platt &c." His name appears in several account books of early Philadelphians, in 1751, […]

Proper noun
  1. Surname
  2. A village in Kent, England.
  3. (rare) Plattdeutsch, Low German

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