point of view
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point of view
- A position from which something is seen; outlook; standpoint.
- From an economist's point of view, business is all about money.
- An attitude, opinion, or set of beliefs.
- His point of view is that there is only one true religion.
- (literary theory) The perspective from which a narrative is related.
- The storyline in the film “The Usual Suspects” is presented from the point of view of an unreliable narrator.
- French: point de vue
- German: Blickpunkt, Perspektive, Ansicht, Sicht, Blickwinkel
- Italian: punto di vista
- Portuguese: ponto de vista
- Russian: то́чка зре́ния
- Spanish: punto de vista
- French: point de vue, opinion
- German: Standpunkt, Ansicht, Sicht
- Italian: punto di vista
- Portuguese: ponto de vista
- Russian: то́чка зре́ния
- Spanish: punto de vista
- German: Perspektive, Sicht, Blickwinkel
- Portuguese: ponto de vista
- Russian: то́чка зре́ния
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003