  • (America) IPA: /ˈpoʊkɚ/
  • (RP) IPA: /ˈpəʊkə/

poker (plural pokers)

  1. A metal rod, generally of wrought iron, for adjusting the burning log or coals in a fire; a firestick. [from earlier 16th c.]
  2. (historical) A tool like a soldering iron for making poker drawings.
  3. One who poke.
  4. A kind of duck, the pochard.
Synonyms Translations Translations
  • Portuguese: cutucador

poker (plural pokers)

  1. Any of various card games in which, following each of one or more round of deal or reveal#Verb|revealing cards, the player in sequence make tactical bet or drop out, the bets forming a pool to be taken either by the sole remaining player or, after all rounds and bets have been completed, by those remaining players who hold a superior hand according to a standard rank#Etymology_2|ranking of hand values for the game. [from earlier 19th c.]
  2. (poker) All the four cards of the same rank.
Related terms
  • when the chips are down
Translations Noun

poker (plural pokers)

  1. (US, colloquial) Any imagined frightful object, especially one supposed to haunt the darkness; a bugbear.

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