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- IPA: /pəˈtɛnʃəl/
- Currently unrealized ability (with the most common adposition being to)
- Even from a young age it was clear that she had the potential to become a great musician.
- (physics) The gravitational potential: the radial (irrotational, static) component of a gravitational field, also known as the Newtonian potential or the gravitoelectric field.
- (physics) The work (energy) required to move a reference particle from a reference location to a specified location in the presence of a force field, for example to bring a unit positive electric charge from an infinite distance to a specified point against an electric field.
- (grammar) A verbal construction or form stating something is possible or probable.
- French: possibilité, potentiel
- German: Potential
- Italian: potenziale
- Portuguese: potencial
- Russian: потенциа́л
- Spanish: potencial
- Portuguese: potencial
potential (not comparable)
- Existing in possibility, not in actuality.
- Synonyms: noumenal, spiritual, virtual
- Antonyms: actual, phenomenal, real
- (archaic) Being potent; endowed with energy adequate to a result
- Synonyms: efficacious, influential
- (physics) A potential field is an irrotational (static) field.
- (physics) A potential flow is an irrotational flow.
- (grammar) Referring to a verbal construction of form stating something is possible or probable.
- French: potentiel
- German: möglich, potenziell, potentiell
- Italian: potenziale
- Portuguese: potencial
- Russian: потенциа́льный
- Spanish: potencial
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.004