Pronunciation Verb
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Pronunciation Verb
prepare (prepares, present participle preparing; past and past participle prepared)
- (transitive) To make ready for a specific future purpose; to set up; to assemble or equip.
- We prepared the spacecraft for takeoff.
- Bible, Psalms cvii. 36
- that they may prepare a city for habitation
- our souls, not yet prepared for upper light
- (transitive) To make ready for eating or drinking; to cook.
- We prepared a fish for dinner.
- (intransitive) To make oneself ready; to get ready, make preparation.
- We prepared for a bumpy ride.
- (transitive) To produce or make by combining elements; to synthesize, compound.
- She prepared a meal from what was left in the cupboards.
- French: préparer
- German: vorbereiten, präparieren
- Italian: preparare
- Portuguese: preparar
- Russian: гото́вить
- Spanish: preparar
- French: préparer, apprêter
- German: zubereiten, vorbereiten
- Italian: preparare
- Portuguese: preparar, fazer
- Russian: гото́вить
- Spanish: preparar, hacer
- French: se préparer
- German: vorbereiten
- Italian: prepararsi
- Portuguese: preparar-se
- Russian: гото́виться
- Spanish: prepararse
- (obsolete) preparation
- 1595, William Shakespeare, Henry VI, Part 3, IV. i. 130:
- Go levy men, and make prepare for war;
- 1595, William Shakespeare, Henry VI, Part 3, IV. i. 130:
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003