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- (America, British, Canada) IPA: /ˌpɹɛzənˈteɪʃən/, /ˌpɹizənˈteɪʃən/
- The act of presenting, or something presented
- Prayers are sometimes a presentation of mere desires.
- A dramatic performance
- An award given to someone on a special occasion
- Money given as a wedding gift.
- A lecture or speech given in front of an audience
- (medicine) The symptoms and other possible indications of disease, trauma, etc., that are exhibited by a patient who has sought, or has otherwise come to, the attention of a physician, e.g., "Thirty-four-year-old male presented in the emergency room with slight fever, dilated pupils, and marked disorientation."
- (medicine) The position of the foetus in the uterus at birth
- (fencing) Offering one's blade for engagement by the opponent
- (mathematics) The specification of a group by generators and relators.
- The act or right of offering a clergyman to the bishop or ordinary for institution in a benefice.
- If the bishop admits the patron's presentation, the clerk so admitted is next to be instituted by him.
- (immunology) The preparation of antigen fragments during the immune response
- French: exposé, présentation, conférence
- German: Vortrag, Präsentation, Vorstellung
- Italian: presentazione
- Portuguese: apresentação
- Russian: презента́ция
- Spanish: presentación, ponencia
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003