  • (RP) enPR: prŏfʹit, IPA: /ˈpɹɒfɪt/
  • (GA) enPR: prŏfʹit, IPA: /ˈpɹɑfɪt/


  1. (accounting, economics) Total income or cash flow minus expenditures. The money or other benefit a non-governmental organization or individual receives in exchange for products and services sold at an advertised price.
    • Let no man anticipate uncertain profits.
  2. (dated, literary) Benefit, positive result obtained.
    Reading such an enlightening book on the subject was of much profit to his studies.
    • Bible, 1 Corinthians vii. 35
      This I speak for your own profit.
    • c. 1603–1604, William Shakespeare, “The Tragedie of Othello, the Moore of Venice”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies: Published According to the True Originall Copies (First Folio), London: Printed by Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, OCLC 606515358 ↗, [Act IV, scene ii]:
      if you dare do yourself a profit and a right
  3. (legal) In property law, a nonpossessory interest in land whereby a party is entitled to enter the land of another for the purpose of taking the soil or the substance of the soil (coal, oil, minerals, and in some jurisdictions timber and game).
Synonyms Antonyms Translations Translations Verb

profit (profits, present participle profiting; past and past participle profited)

  1. (transitive) To benefit (somebody), be of use to (somebody).
    • Bible, Hebrews iv. 2
      The word preached did not profit them.
    • It is a great means of profiting yourself, to copy diligently excellent pieces and beautiful designs.
  2. (intransitive, construed with from) To benefit, gain.
  3. (intransitive, construed with from) To take advantage of, exploit, use.
Translations Translations Translations Related terms

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