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- (mathematics) At a constant ratio (to). Two magnitudes (numbers) are said to be proportional if the second varies in a direct relation arithmetically to the first. Symbol: ∝.
- (mostly, US) In proportion (to), proportionate.
- Of a typeface, having characters with natural (non-uniform) width (in contrast to monospace typefaces).
- French: proportionnel
- German: proportional
- Italian: proporzionale
- Portuguese: proporcional
- Russian: пропорциона́льный
- Spanish: proporcional
- Russian: пропорциона́льный
- Spanish: proporcional
proportional (plural proportionals)
- (math, geometry, archaic) A proportion.
- 1828, William Thomas Brande, Tables in Illustration of the Theory of Definite Proportionals (page xiii)
- It is almost superfluous to remark that the numbers attached to the elements of compounds are those of the proportionals in which they combine […]
- 1828, William Thomas Brande, Tables in Illustration of the Theory of Definite Proportionals (page xiii)
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003